Supplementary Reports

The companies listed in this section sell data primarily to help entities manage credit and fraud risk. This information frequently supplements other datasets, such as the traditional credit data that the nationwide consumer reporting companies sell about you.

Supplementary reports companies

Advanced Resolution Services

Collects information about consumers’ approved and declined bankcard applications.

To order your free report |

Phone: (800) 392-8911
Address: Advanced Resolution Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 4000

Conway, AR 72033

CoreLogic Credco

Collects and reports personal data such as property ownership and home loan obligation records; property legal filings and tax payment status; rental applications and collection accounts; consumer bankruptcies, liens, judgments, and child support obligations.

To order your free report |

  • Mail or Call
Phone: (800) 637-2422
Address: Credco

Consumer ServicesDepartment

P.O. Box 509124

San Diego, CA 92150


Provides identity verification data to assist with fraud detection and prevention. Innovis is a subsidiary of CBC Companies. Inc.

To order your free report |

Phone: (800) 540-2505 or

(866) 712-0021

Address: Innovis Consumer Assistance

P.O. Box 530089

Atlanta, GA 30353-0089

LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Collects information from public records and multiple proprietary data sources. This includes items such as real estate transaction and ownership data, lien, judgment, and bankruptcy records, professional license information, and historical addresses on file.

To order your free report |

Phone: (866) 897-8126
Address: LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Consumer Center

P.O. Box 105108

Atlanta, GA 30348-5108

SageStream, LLC

Collects information from, and provides supplementary consumer reports to, auto lenders, credit card issuers, retailers, utilities and mobile phone service providers among other service providers. SageStream is owned by LexisNexis Risk Solutions.

To order your free report |

Phone: (888) 395-0277
Address: SageStream, LLC

LexisNexis Risk

Solutions Consumer


P.O. Box 105108

Atlanta, GA 30348-5108