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Florida Consumer Credit Attorney

Consumer credit attorneys are legal professionals who specialize in helping individuals who have problems with their creditors. They can help clients with a wide range of issues, such as debt lawsuits, judgments (bank garnishment & wage garnishment), debt collection, credit reporting problems.

Debt Lawsuits

Creditors and debt buyers file debt lawsuits to collect what they believe is owed.

Consumer credit attorneys can help find the best defenses against a plaintiff in a case and defend your rights. Often they charge flat fees with a monthly payment plan to make hiring the attorney an affordable option.

Judgment Settlement

A judgment is a legal order issued by a judge that requires one party to pay money or perform some other action as directed by the court. In the context of debt collection, a judgment typically refers to a court order that requires a debtor to pay back money that they owe to a creditor or other plaintiff.

How do creditors use judgments?

Creditors can use judgments in several ways to try to collect on unpaid debts. Once a creditor obtains a judgment against you, they may be able to:

  • Garnish your wages: In many states, creditors can request an order that requires your employer to withhold a portion of your paycheck and send it directly to the creditor until the debt is paid off.
  • Freeze your bank account: With a court order, creditors can freeze your bank account and seize any funds in it up to the amount of the judgment.
  • Place liens on property: If you own property such as a home or car, the creditor may be able to place a lien on it, which means they can legally claim ownership of that property if you don’t

Florida Consumer Credit Attorney can help stop wage garnishment, bank garnishment, or settle the judgment. Often they offer affordable fees with a payment plan.

Debt Collection

Debt collection is a process by which creditors attempt to collect money that is owed to them by individuals. This can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for consumers, especially if they are being harassed by creditors.

Consumer credit attorney can help clients deal with debt collectors by negotiating with them on their behalf. They can also advise clients on their rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which is a federal law that protects consumers from unfair and abusive debt collection practices. Debt can be a burden that affects many aspects of our lives. It not only impacts our financial well-being but also takes a toll on our mental and emotional health. When faced with debt, it’s important to know that you have options and rights. One option is to seek the help of a consumer credit attorney.

Rights Under the FDCPA

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is a federal law that protects consumers from abusive and unfair practices by debt collectors. The law sets out specific guidelines that debt collectors must follow when attempting to collect payment from consumers.
Some examples of prohibited practices under the FDCPA include:
  • Calling outside of reasonable hours (usually between 8 am and 9 pm)
  • Using profane or threatening language
  • Misrepresenting themselves or the amount owed
  • Contacting you at work after being told not to

If you feel that a debt collector has violated your rights under the FDCPA, an attorney can take legal action against the collector.

Negotiating with Debt Collectors

Dealing with debt collectors can be intimidating and overwhelming. They may use aggressive tactics to collect payment, such as calling multiple times a day, harassing family members, or threatening legal action. A consumer credit attorney can act as an intermediary between you and the debt collector to negotiate more favorable terms for repayment.
An Florida attorney may be able to negotiate a lower settlement amount or a longer repayment period. They can also help you understand your options for dealing with different types of debts, such as medical bills or credit card debt.

Credit Reporting

Another area where Florida consumer credit attorney can help is with credit reporting issues. Credit reports contain information about an individual’s credit history, including their payment history, outstanding debts, and credit inquiries.
If there are errors on a person’s credit report, it can have a negative impact on their ability to obtain credit. Consumer credit attorneys can assist clients in disputing inaccurate information on their credit reports and working with the credit bureaus to correct any errors.