Low-income and subprime

Tenant screening companies provide information such as credit history, eviction information, rental payment history, identity verification, income and employment verification, and criminal background data to landlords, property management companies, and others. A tenant screening report with negative information in it, such as prior housing evictions, could result in a rejected lease application, or it could result in approval of the application but with tough conditions inserted into the lease agreement such as a requirement that you pay months of additional rent in advance or a higher security deposit. Many tenant screening companies won’t have information on you unless you apply for rental housing or otherwise authorize a landlord or property manager to obtain a report from them. 

If you are denied as a tenant,  “conditionally accepted”, or asked to pay a higher deposit or rent the landlord or property management company is REQUIRED to give you an adverse action notice so you may have the opportunity to correct any errors. The adverse action notice should contain the name of the tenant screening agency they used. The largest in the US are listed below.

Low-income and subprime companies

Clarity Services, Inc.

Collects and provides information on payday loans, installment loans, auto loans (and leasing), check cashing services, rent-to-own transactions, telecommunication account openings, and financial services with an emphasis on the lower-income and subprime consumer market segments. Clarity Services is owned by Experian.

To order your free report |

  • Fill Out Online
Website:    clarityservices.com
Phone: (866) 390-3118 (Option 1 for security freeze;

Option 4 for report request)

Address: Clarity Services, Inc.

Consumer Support Division

P.O. Box 16

Allen, TX 75013


Collects and provides consumer payment history on payday and installment loans, subprime credit cards and other specialty loans. DataX is owned by Equifax.

To order your free report |

Website:    datax.com
Phone: (800) 295-4790
Address: DataX, Ltd.

P.O. Box 740125

Atlanta, GA 30374


Collects loan performance information on non prime consumers to provide predictive credit data, analytics and risk scoring solutions to short-term lenders, installment lenders, non prime auto lenders (and leasing companies) and other subprime credit providers. FactorTrust is owned by TransUnion.

To order your free report |

Website:    factortrust.com
Phone: (844) 773-3321
Address: FactorTrust, Inc.

Attn: Consumer Inquiries

P.O. Box 390

Woodlyn, PA 19094


Collects recurring bill repayment data, such as monthly billing data from rent, utility, phone plans, car insurance, and streaming media subscriptions to generate consumer credit reports and risk scores for businesses that offer short term, rent-to-own, auto, retail and consumer finance lending.

To order your free report |

Website:    microbilt.com
Phone: (888) 222-7621 or

(800) 884-4747 (Option 5)

Address: MicroBilt

Attn: Consumer Affairs Department

P.O. Box 440693

Kennesaw, GA 30160


Collects consumer information about, and provides data to, payday lenders, rent-to-own businesses, furniture stores that offer financing, auto finance and leasing companies, high risk consumer finance businesses, subprime home lending businesses, subprime credit card issuers, banks, credit unions, cable/telecom companies and debt buyers/collectors. Teletrack is an Equifax company.

To order your free report |

Website:    consumers.teletrack.com
Phone: (877) 309-5226
Address: Teletrack

P.O. Box 740008

Atlanta, GA 30374